
  • Belgin Arslan Cansever Ege University Faculty of Education, Elementary Education Department, Primary Education Program, Izmir, Turkey


In the present study, the importance of using material in teaching at primary school is emphasized. Moreover, it is aimed to introduce teaching materials prepared for different classes by candidate teachers. For this reason, 18 students’ designs from Primary School Teaching Division of Faculty of Education are presented. Candidate teachers who prepared those designs first choose their interested topics from different courses which they will give at primary school. It is emphasized that materials should be simple, clear, easy to use for the student, made from durable material, should make the topic more concrete, but that they shouldn’t include too many details about the chosen topic. Designing materials can be considered as a part of learning experience by living and doing by candidate teachers. It is very important that candidates should design materials and that they should be encouraged to use them when they are doing their internship and later on in their professions. In this regard, “Instructional Technologies and Material Design” course, which has been given a single term four-credit course at Primary School Teaching Division, should be offered as a four-credit course in two terms. Furthermore, it might be suggested that current primary school teachers should be encouraged to develop and use materials and provided with practical applications by within-service seminars and that sharing of functional teaching materials should be provided.  

Keywords: Material design, material design in primary school, candidate teachers.


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Research Article