
  • Ghulam HAIDER Ali Institute of Education (Chartered), Laore, Pakistan
  • Tariq Nadeem KHAN University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


This study investigatesspecial education teachers’ perceptions about project-based teaching methods, teacher roles, success and evaluation inProject-based teaching and traditional classroom instruction for HI Children. The analysis is based on qualitative data collected in public and private schools of Hearing Impaired Children. In-depth analysis ofinterviews and observations revealed the in-depth perceptions of special education teachers. These views were based on degree of experience and environment of school. In general, project-based methods were preferred among Special education teachers, who mostly perceived themselves as facilitators and considered motivation and transmission of values central to their work. Special education teachers appeared to capitalize on the use of CALL and project-based teaching in future for HI children.

Keywords: Special education teachers’ perceptions; Project-based teaching; Traditional classroom teaching; Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Learning Difficulties


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Research Article