This study aims to examine the mediating role of professional learning on change in teacher practice through the proactive personality and network intentionality. This research also seeks to better comprehend and capture the antecedences and consequences of the network intentions. 438 primary school teacher from 24 schools participated in the study from Istanbul. Network intentionality scale, proactive personality scale, teacher professional learning scale, and change in teacher practices scale were used to collect data. All the measures were conceptualized as individual-level constructs. The results of the study show that there are positive correlations between proactive personality network intention, professional learning and change in teacher practice. Also, the study revealed that proactive personality has positive effects on the network intentions; network intentions has a both direct and indirect effect on the change in teacher practice. These results explicitly indicated that change in teacher practice is closely associated with teacher professional learning, teacher personality, and network intentions. Because of the change in teacher practice is closely related to group dynamics and learning, planning a change strategy about understanding the role of learning and having a relationship with a colleague is so crucial for schools.
Keywords: Professional learning, network intention, proactive personality, change in teacher practice, primary education.
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