Parenthood is a phenomenon that is not easy to approach through research. This study analyzed the emphases of parenting in the light of three comparison groups. The basis of the research was grounded on Bradley’s (2007) theory of six fundamental parenting tasks. This was a case study in which parenthood was studied among one second-grade classroom. The teacher, 18 parents, and 19 pupils were recruited in the study. The data comprised three sets as well: questionnaires for parents, pupils’ essays and drawings, and the teacher interview. The data were collected in 2012. The analysis represented theory-led content analysis. The results showed that the emphases of parenting tasks varied among the comparison groups and the emphases are illustrated in a triangle showing the variation. The most important task was the present parent who loves the children, and discusses and gives time for them. The role of parental love as the fundamental basis of parenting is discussed.
Keywords: parenthood, upbringing, education, parenting, family, parent-child relationship
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