The aim of the present study is to support, enrich, and broaden the process of education using concept maps and to determine the effects of concept maps in biology classes on school success, attitude and retention of the knowledge taught. The present study was conducted as an experimental study with pre-test and post-test control groups. The participants of the study were impartially chosen 11th grade high school students from an Anatolian High School and a Teacher Training Anatolian High School. 45 students, 21 in the control and 24 in the experimental group, participated in the study. In the present study, ‘urinary system’ unit was taught. Whereas the control group was taught traditionally, the experimental group was taught using concept map based teaching technique. Data was collected using concept map attitude scale and biology achievement test, a 45 item scale with a reliability coefficient of (α = .78). In order to identify the differences among the groups, biology achievement test was used as pre and post test. Data obtained to determine the achievement of both groups were analyzed using t-test analysis model of the SPSS 11.0 package program. At the end of the study, a statistically significant difference (p<.05) between emerged traditional teaching method and using concept map while teaching. The data also indicated that the cognitive support of the concept maps had a positive impact on students’ achievement and retention of knowledge. The data furthermore indicated that students have a positive attitude for concept maps.
Keywords: concept map, traditional teaching method, academic achievement, urinary system.
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