The objective of this research; is to examine the relation between the dimensions of self esteem, self perception and personality of young adult males who fulfils their temporary military duty in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The young adult males aged between 18-25 who fulfil their temporary military duty in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus constitutes the sampling universe of the research. 304 young adult males determined through appropriate sampling method have been included (added) into the research. As a means to collect data; Self-Esteem Scale whose Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient is 0,89 which was developed by Gilbert Allan and Trent in 1991 and adapted into Turkish by Şahin, Durak and Şahin and Eysenck Inordinate Self-Esteem Survey (EKA-GGK) which was developed by Francis, Brown and Philipchalk (1992) and adapted into Turkish by Karancı, Dirik and Yorulmaz (2007) whose internal consistency coeefficient for extroversion, neurotism, psychotism and lie dimensions respectively are 78, 65, 42, 64; both have been used for the research. In the analysis of the data, SPSS 17.0 package program has been used. (Büyüköztürk, 2009; Sipahi, Yurtkoru and Çinko, 2008). In the research, analysis towards the relation between the level of self esteem with dimensions of personality and self perception of young adult soldiers who are already fulfilling their military duty has been conducted through “Spearman” correlation technique. In this research, the level of meaningfulness is taken as 0,05. As a result of the research, the relation between the levels of self-respect and self perceptions have been found meaningful in terms of positive and statistical angle. (p<0.01; 0.42 > r > 0.15). In between self respect and “psychotism” from the personality dimensions, negative, in between self respect and “extroversion”, positive, and in between self respect and neurotism have been found meaningful relation towards positive direction. It has been observed that, as a result of the relations of self esteem with regard to perceptions of self and personality dimensions, several emotions have been able to be explained through self respect (self-esteem)
Keywords: Self perception, self esteem, personality dimensions, young adult male.
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