The purpose of this study is searching the relationship between primary 7th and 8th grade students’ problem solving skills in mathematics and Turkish skills. In Turkish part reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are mentioned, in maths part problem solving process is mentioned. The sample of this study is occurred by 100 7th grade and 100 8th grade students, a total of 200 students in Yalçın Çiftçioğlu Primary School, Dr. Sadık Ahmet Primary School, Fatih College and Academy College in Büyükçekmece, İstanbul. Problem test by 20 questions is applied to the students who are in this sample study and reading, listening, writing and speaking skills assessment forms which intended to determine Turkish skills are filled by their Turkish teachers. Clinical interview method as a method of data collection is used in realization of this research. Data will be collected by video recordings, observation, interview which reflect students’ problem solving skills. Problem test which involves equation problems are applied to the students and looking at the relationship between the score obtained from this test and the scores obtained from Turkish skills assessment forms create the size of quantitative research. In research, analysis of qualitative data was made by PASW statistics 18 package program. As a result of research a positive correlation was found between mathematics problem solving skill and general Turkish skills reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. Looking at the results in 7th grade students’ the relationship between reading ability and math scores are more powerful than others. In 8th grade students the relationship between math scores and listening skills was found to be more powerful than others. In the light of this work, language skills acquired in Turkish lessons are related to problem solving process, so it has been concluded that especially these skills need to be addressed in Turkish lessons.
Keywords: Turkish skills, problem solving skills, maths
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