This study aims to examine the mediating role of attention in the relationship between their social competence, aggression and early literacy by constructing a path model for children's early literacy. This research was designed in a causal pattern. The sample of this study consisted of 256 children attending pre-school education. The data were collected using the Personal Information Form, Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Inventory-Parent Form, Early Literacy Skills Assessment Tool and Frankfurter Test Für Funjahrige Konzentration-(FTF-K). Path analysis technique was used in data analysis. The significance of its indirect effects was evaluated using the bootstrapping method. The findings obtained in this study showed that social competence predicted attention positively, whereas aggression predicted attention negatively. Attention positively predicted early literacy. The findings suggested that attention had a fully mediating role between social competence, aggression and early literacy.
Keywords: Social competence, aggression, early literacy, attention.
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