This study is a scale development study aimed at determining the goal setting skills of primary school students. The scale, which was developed to determine the goal setting skills of the students who are studying at the 4th and 5th grade levels of primary education, consists of items in a way that students can make self-evaluation about their goal setting skills. This scale development study was conducted with two study groups. The validity and reliability analysis of the first study data in 2014 showed that the scale has a two-factorial structure. Validity and reliability analyses performed on the data collected in 2019 once again revealed that this structure was valid and reliable, independent of time. The two structures revealed by the scale were determined to measure the goal decision making skills and the goal-directed process management skills, and the reliability coefficient is .78 and .80 (workgroup 1) and .67 and .78 (workgroup 2), respectively.
Keywords: Goal setting, goal setting skills, primary school, scale development.
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