The aim of this study is to determine the learner characteristics that have a significant effect on academic achievement in social studies lessons. For this purpose, the study process was modeled as relational scanning as a quantitative research approach. Relevant literature and observations were used and a research model was created based on the variables that were thought to affect the academic achievement of students in a social studies course. In order to test the created model, data were obtained from 145 students in the 4th grade by using different measurement tools. The data obtained were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis techniques. According to the results obtained in this study, the variables in the research model explained 63% of the academic achievement of the students in this social studies course. In addition, it was determined that students’ attitudes toward social studies lessons, their interest, and the importance they attached to the course were the most important variables that affected their achievement, while a teacher-centered teaching environment directly and negatively influenced students’ achievement. Suggestions that can be used in the design and preparation of an effective and efficient learning environment for social studies courses are presented.
Keywords: Academic achievement, Primary school, Social studies, Structural equation model.
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