The study aimed at assessing Problems of Social Skills in Early Childhood Education Program in Ethiopia. Descriptive survey research design was employed through using stratified random sampling procedure to collect the survey data from 280 teachers recruited from early childhood education programs across three cities: Dire Dewa (130 teachers; 10 schools); Chiro (40 teachers; 6 schools); and Harar (110 teachers; 8 schools). They completed a questionnaire by starting filling the demographic information and a 5-item measure in which they rated problems influencing socials skills in early childhood education program. Firstly, about 89% of early childhood education teachers were not trained in the program. Secondly, about 64% of the early childhood education curriculum was highly influencing children’s social skills. Finally, it was found that children were unable to cooperate during learning social skills with their classmates, and they were unable to solve social problems during playing with their classmates. Therefore, to ensure quality of early childhood education, education stakeholders, parents, teachers, administrators, non-government and ministry of education of the country at large need to improve teachers’ training and curriculum under usage to improve and to fit to children’s social skills in early childhood education programs.
Keywords: Early, childhood education, problems, social skills, teachers.
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