This research aims to determine to what extent temperament and parent-child relationship predict the prosocial behaviors of 60-72-month-old children. The study group of the research consists of 313 mothers and 126 fathers. Data analyzes were carried out separately in mother and father groups. "Personal Information Form", "Child Prosocialness Scale", "Short Temperament Scale for Children", "Child-Parent Relationship Scale" were used as data collection tools. Data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results obtained from the mothers in the study group revealed that approach, persistence, rhythmicity, reactivity which are the child temperament, and negative mother-child relationship together significantly predicted children’s prosocial behaviors. As for the results obtained from the father participants in the study group, it was found that approach, the persistence of the child temperament, and negative father-child relationship together significantly predicted children’s prosocial behaviors. As a result of the study, the importance of the relationship between child temperament and the child-parent relationship with prosocial behaviors was revealed. The findings of the research were discussed in light of the literature and research, and suggestions were presented.
Keywords: Prosocial behavior, temperament, parent child relationship, preschool period.
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