The purpose of this study is to determine the opinions of primary school teachers regarding the history subjects found in the primary school 4th grade coursework in scope of the year 2018 Social Studies Course Curriculum. The study utilized survey technique in a qualitative research paradigm. Data were gathered through interviews and document analysis technique. The study group for the study comprised of 20 teachers working in Ankara and İzmir who participated in the study on voluntary basis. The descriptive analysis method was used for analysis of the data, and data presentation was based on frequencies and percentages. Results showed that 1) the history subjects in the Social Studies curriculum are insufficient in relevance to purposes of the course and in regard of achievement of gains, 2) the subjects fail to endear history courses to the student and 3) the time allotted for history subjects in the curriculum is insufficient. It was concluded that the methods and techniques recommended for history teaching are insufficient, that teachers face significant difficulties in teaching history subjects, that the subjects are not qualified to create an awareness of history in students, and that while the history subjects defined under curriculum gains are congruent with the values, qualifications and basic abilities defined in the curriculum, the coherence between the subjects and targeted gains should be improved. In regard of improvement of history lessons the teachers recommend use of visuals, organization of research and study trips to historic locations, objectification of abstract contents to render them more compatible for the level of children, to include less gains and more activities, and to provide teachers with seminars regarding history teaching and teaching methods.
Keywords: Primary school history teaching, social studies teaching, primary school curriculum, teacher opinions
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