Nowadays, online research and reading comprehension skills are among the prominent concepts. It is not possible to deny the effects of the internet on students' daily and academic lives. In the study, a scale was developed to be used in order to reveal the level of internet use of middle school students in their research processes and to determine the level of online research and reading comprehension skills. In the development of the scale, the relevant literature and curriculum were examined, the findings obtained from the interviews and observations with the students were used, and the opinions of the field experts were taken. As a result of all these operations, an item pool and a draft scale form were created for the instrument. The prepared form was applied to middle school students and explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on the obtained data. As a result of the analyses, it was seen that the scale contains 30 items and the items of the scale were collected in five factors. It is thought that the instrument developed to determine the online research and reading comprehension skills levels of students has the potential to contribute to the related literature.
Keywords: Online research, reading comprehension, internet searching, middle school students.
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