Inclusive education is a topic of much debate, but it is widely recognized as a crucial system that aims to provide equal opportunities for all students, including those with special needs, to thrive in regular school environments. This study focused on exploring the practices, challenges, and opportunities related to realizing inclusive education in selected primary schools within Hossana city administration, Haddiya zone, under Central Ethiopia regional state. To achieve this, a descriptive case study methodology was used. The study revealed that the teaching of students with special educational needs currently employs segregation, integration, and inclusion approaches. However, administrative challenges, knowledge gaps, and skill gaps were identified as the main obstacles to achieving inclusive education in the city administration. Respondents also suggested that while there are challenges to implementing inclusive education, there are also many opportunities to do so. To address these challenges, we recommend collaboration among stakeholders and training for school administrators and teachers to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills.
Keywords: Inclusive education, challenges, opportunities, practices, realizing inclusive education.
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