

The aim of this study is to determine the number sense skills of preschool (Kindergarten) children. In the study, survey design, one of the quantitative research methods, was used. The study group consists of a total of 114 children attending all the kindergartens (5 kindergartens) in the city center of Tunceli in the 2020-2021 school year. The data collection tool used in the study is the "Preschool Number Sense Test" developed by the researchers. In the analysis of the data, the correct answers obtained by using number sense skills, the correct answers obtained by using rule and operation-based methods, the false answers obtained by using number sense skills, the false answers obtained by using rule-operation-based methods and the questions left unanswered were considered. As a result of the analysis made, it was determined that preschool students used rule- and operation-based methods more in problem-solving when dealing with questions, and it was seen that they used number-sense-based methods less frequently.

Keywords: Number sense, number sense test, kindergarten children.


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