Students with dyscalculia often face significant challenges in visual memory, which is critical for mathematical learning, particularly in recognizing and differentiating geometric shapes and their properties. This study aims to explore the extent to which an action plan, tailored to the unique learning characteristics of students with dyscalculia, can enhance their visual memory. This study was applied to the visual memory of a second-grade student with learning difficulties in mathematics. Action research, one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study. The study was conducted over five weeks with unable to read and write student who had received a report of learning difficulties from the Guidance and Research Centre (GRC). A purposive sampling technique was used to identify participant for the study. Pre-test, post-test, action plan, observation notes and records made during the action plan implementation were used as data sources. The data were analysed using descriptive analysis technique. As a result of the implemented action plan, it was observed that the student's visual memory started to improve in the process. It was seen that the student could match the geometric shapes in general but was confused about their names and properties. The student's success rate of 5% in the pre-test reached 40% in the post-test after the action plan was implemented.
Keywords: Primary school, geometric memory, learning disability, mathematics learning disability, visual memory.
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