The unexpected outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic disease has affected every field of life, especially education. The closure of schools and universities to prevent the spread of the disease has led the countries to take urgent decisions on education. Almost all over the world, the education is being conducted through distance education. This study based on the basic qualitative research design aims to examine the opinions of primary education pre-service teachers on their slowmation experiences via distance education. The data of the study were collected with an interview form and analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique under the predetermined themes. As a result of the data analysis, the following results were obtained: The pre-service teachers were of the opinion that slowmation is an advantageous method. However, it was also found that during the process of producing slow motion animations, the participants faced some difficulties. Despite the difficulties, the pre-service teachers believed that slowmations produced by students and/or teachers could be used easily and effectively in their future career. Finally, it was determined that Covid-19 had some negative effects on the mood of the pre-service teachers and it also affected the opinions of the pre-service teachers on the delivery of instruction.
Keywords: Slowmation, Turkish language teaching course, pre-service teachers, Covid-19, distance education, 21st century skills
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