In the current study, face-to-face and web-based naturalistic teaching teacher education program for pre-school teachers (NTEPP), who are among the main stakeholders of inclusive education, was developed and examined its effectiveness on teacher outcomes (naturalistic teaching knowledge level, interactional behavior levels, and level of using naturalistic teaching strategies in the education processes). In addition, opinions the targeted teachers on the programs were gathered. A total of 30 teachers in the Face-to-Face (Experimental-1=14) and Web-based (Experimental-2=16) NTEPP groups participated in the study, which was designed with the "embedded design, one of the mixed research methods." In the study, face-to-face and web-based programs were found to be effective in increasing teachers' total scores for naturalistic teaching knowledge, interactional behaviors, and naturalistic teaching strategies used in leisure time and art activities. However, the results revealed that the face-to-face education program had a more permanent effect on the total scores for naturalistic teaching knowledge and naturalistic teaching strategies used in leisure time activities compared to the web-based program. Accordingly, it was determined that web-based programs, the contents of which were designed with visual and written materials, could be as effective as face-to-face programs on teachers' targeted performance levels. Finally, it was observed that teachers' opinions on the programs were quite positive.
Keywords: Inclusive education, inclusive pre-school education, naturalistic teaching approach, professional development.
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