The aim of this research was to get the opinions of primary school teacher candidates about flexible classrooms in which technology is integrated, the flexibility in the physical arrangement of the classrooms and the modern approach to classroom structuring, as opposed to the traditional classroom structure, and the role of teachers in these classrooms. The research study group consisted of 3rd-year pre-service teachers studying at a state university education faculty from 2021-2022. In the research, the data were obtained with a semi-structured interview form. For the analysis of the obtained data, the MAXQDA 2022 program and a content analysis technique were used. One of the main conclusions of the research was that the participants associated their definitions of the flexible classroom with the physical arrangement the most. According to their drawings, they preferred a u-shaped seating arrangement, and they defined the teachers of the flexible classrooms sociologically.
Keywords: Flexible classroom, classroom management, class teacher.
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