The aim of this research is to determine the trends in the field of educational technology by analyzing the bibliometric analysis of the articles about Educational Technology published in the Web of Science Core database in the last 20 years. In this framework, a bibliometric analysis of the articles on educational technology published 2000-2019 was conducted. As a result of the preliminary examination, 96 most used themes in the field of educational technology were reached. These themes are gathered under the headings of Application, Design and Environments, Measurement and Evaluation, Pedagogy and Teaching and Learning. As a result of the findings, a bibliometric analysis of a total of 25 themes was made for 5 main theme findings with the highest number of articles under each main topic. During these analyzes, the most used concepts were analyzed with each theme. VOSViewer version 1.6.13 was used for analysis.
Keywords: Educational technology, bibliometric research, vosviewer, trend analysis, literature analysis.
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