

This is a predictive study aiming to determine the extent to which pre-school teachers’ classroom management (CM) skills predict thinking-supportive behaviours. Within the study, 183 preschool teachers participated. The data of the study was collected using Pre-school Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills Scale (CMSS) and Thinking Supportive Teacher Behaviours Scale (TSTBS). In the analysis of the data, Pearson correlation analysis and multi-linear regression were used. In light of the strong predictive relationships obtained from the current study, it can be said that pre-school teachers should effectively manage their classrooms in order to display behaviours that support thinking in learning environments. The sub-dimension of Communication and Behavioural Regulations yielded the highest correlation with teacher behaviours that support thinking and was found to be a significant predictor. While there is no relationship between the Plan-Program Activities sub-dimension and the predicted variables, Time Management significantly predicted the clarity needed to support thinking, and Classroom Physical Arrangements significantly predicted reflection through documentation.

Keywords: Pre-school teacher, thinking supportive teacher behaviour, classroom management skill, thinking skills.


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