The study was conducted to create awareness about environmental literacy as part of the 17 sustainable development goals and mitigate environmental challenges at the primary school level. To achieve this, the study examined primary school teachers’ perceptions of picture books and animated cartoons as learning resources to create awareness; investigated the learning resources available and employed in primary schools for teaching/learning environmental-related topics; and highlighted the inhibitors of learning resources of picture books and animation cartoons. The study adopted a descriptive research of the survey type using quantitative method. A total of 60 primary school teachers in Ekiti State, Nigeria participated in the study. A questionnaire and a checklist were used for data collection. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that respondents have positive perceptions of picture books and animated cartoons. The findings showed learning resources that were available, unavailable, utilized, and unutilized in teaching and learning of environmental-related topics. The findings also revealed inhibitors to the use of picture books and animation cartoons. It was suggested that primary school teachers should employ picture books and animated cartoons as learner-friendly learning resources to broaden pupils’ horizon about environmental sustainability in classrooms at the primary school level.
Keywords: Environmental literacy, picture books, animated cartoons, sustainable development.
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