
  • Muhammad Sabil FAROOQ Nankai University, ianjin, P.R. China
  • Yuan Tong KAI Nankai University Tianjin, P.R China


AJK (Azad Jammu & Kashmir) government is a small administrative unit under overall sovereignty of Pakistan. It has a total area of 13297 sq kilometers with a population of about 3.8 million. This study critically examines the problems of primary education system in AJK State specifically in govt. primary schools in Pakistan administrative Kashmir, a part of former princely state called Azad Jammu & Kashmir. For this purpose a significant review of on hand literature was passed out. On the basis of deeper and critical investigation into the literature, the study found that primary education is the most neglected, poorly financed and poorly managed. There is political interference in the system which breeds corruption, favoritism and nepotism. The system of supervision is weak and traditionally characterized having no effective mechanism for teacher training with poor system of accountability, teachers are underpaid and successive educational policies have failed to bring any positive changes in the system due to poor implementation. The curriculum of the primary education is outdated. Assessment is based on the memory of the students rather than their performance. On the basis of this study it is recommended that the problems can be solved by robust system of accountability, eradication of corruption, quality assessment system, non political interference, and quality curriculum and teachers motivation.

Keywords: Primary education, causes of problems, foundation of education, recommended solutions


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Research Article